Lucilius Interim

Dr Dietmar Scheja

Financial Leadership in Special Situations

» I head restructuring initiatives and guide your finance & admin teams through challenging projects, transitions and transformations. I deliver ambitious improvements and help you achieve sustainable cost reductions, while ensuring robust day-to-day operations. «

Lucilius Interim

Dr Dietmar Scheja

Financial Leadership in Special Situations

» I head restructuring initiatives and guide your finance & admin teams through challenging projects, transitions and transformations. I deliver ambitious improvements and help you achieve sustainable cost reductions, while ensuring robust day-to-day operations. «


Financial Leadership – Restructuring – Finance Upgrade & Transformation: In these areas of expertise, I assume temporary management responsibility to ensure your return on change. I can access a network of strong partners if this is in the interest of the customer. For example, I work in the following roles:

Typical roles include:


Interim CFO or Interim Division Manager
Program or project manager, including as counterpart to your consultants
Management of restructuring projects
Management of post-merger integration projects
Co-pilot for a newly appointed manager
Sparring Partner and Advisory Board Member

Interim CFO or Interim Division Manager


Program or project manager, including as counterpart to your consultants


Management of restructuring projects


Management of post-merger integration projects


Co-pilot for a newly appointed manager


Sparring Partner and Advisory Board Member

Securing Return on Change:



Cost reduction strengthens your result directly immediately, but how do you prevent yo-yo effects: Is your finance department set-up for this? Does it have the mandate? - I lead your restructuring projects and safeguard the results from relapses.



Lots of figures, but no message? Slow planning and outdated roles? Manual and error-prone procedures? – Through transformation and upgrade projects I implement improvements in financial and commercial processes in a profitable and sustainable way.


You 'only' need to bridge a vacancy? - To maintain momentum, even short transitional phases can be used for value-adding upgrades and improvements. Please get in touch!

Project Highlights

»Project work is the most important means of pushing boundaries, whether in terms of efficiency, effectiveness, new capabilities, M&A or growth.« Focal points of my project work:

Restructuring and Turnaround
Finance & Controlling Upgrade / Transformation
Admin Upgrade / Transformation
Business Partnering
IT / Digital

Restructuring and Turnaround


Finance & Controlling Upgrade / Transformation


Admin Upgrade / Transformation


Business Partnering




IT / Digital

Please see the slider for a selection of my projects.

Leadership Principles

»Six principles inform my work as a senior manager. They help to clarify expectations and roles and promote the collaborative and focused work that is crucial for success.«

Complete achievement of goals

On time, on budget and in full.

Radical Positivity

Focus on the greatest change for the better.

Clarity and consistency

Determined, consistent action based on clear goals and tasks.

To lead is to serve

All work, including leadership, is service. Leadership promotes the successful work of the team.

Be respectful

We treat each other with personal respect. 

Openness, honesty and trust

Form the basis of strong, effective and resilient collaboration. 

To lead is to serve

All work, including leadership, is service. Leadership promotes the successful work of the team.

Be respectful

We treat each other with personal respect.

Complete achievement of goals

On time, on budget and in full.

Six Leadership principles

Clarity and consistency

Determined, consistent action based on clear goals and tasks.

Radical Positivity

Focus on the greatest change for the better.

Openness, honesty and trust

Form the basis of strong, effective and resilient collaboration.

Complete achievement of goals

On time, on budget and in full.

Make a decisive difference

For the company and for the team.

Focus on essentials

Focus on the levers that produce the greatest effect. 

Clarity and consistency

Determined, consistent action based on clear goals and tasks.

To lead is to serve

All work, including leadership, is service. Leadership promotes the successful work of the team.

Be respectful

We treat each other with personal respect. 

Openness, honesty and trust

Form the basis of strong, effective and resilient collaboration. 


Jet Stream

Jet Stream

My highlights from the most recent Ludwig Heuse survey of the Interim Management market in the D-A-CH region

Supporting Wolford

Supporting Wolford

Pleased to announce that I have started a new assignment: I am supporting Wolford in the capacity of Senior Advisor Finance.

Associate at taskforce

Associate at taskforce

Pleased to let you know that I have been selected as Associate by taskforce, one of the leading interim firms in D-A-CH.


Deviation Analysis – Part 1

Deviation Analysis – Part 1

Deviation Analyses can be difficult to set-up. In Part 1 of this set of 3, Richard demonstrates how not to do it.
Cold Mountain – Finance Transformation for Mittelstand CFOs

Cold Mountain – Finance Transformation for Mittelstand CFOs

Drawing on work by McKinsey, I discuss the challenges of transformation projects for Mittelstand CFOs.


»I would be happy to talk to you about any of the topics that are of concern to you. Feel free to contact me at any time - I look forward to hearing from you.«

ds [at]
Landline: +49 69 269 209 44 | Mobile: +49 177 33 983 22
Spessartstrasse 17, D-60385 Frankfurt am Main
Dietmar Scheja on LinkedIn

About me 

Assessing tasks holistically, breaking them down and working through them in a goal-oriented manner until done. In doing so, I rely on my core expertise - financial management / restructuring / finance upgrade & transformation - and on my work with business processes & IT/Digital, in particular with ERP & management systems. My experience in HR, legal, compliance and purchasing covers important interfaces.

I have acquired this experience in a variety of environments: Listed companies, family-run Mittelstand, start-ups and PE; consumer goods, fashion, technology and professional services; domestic and international.

Being able to start-up Lucilius Interim in the middle of the first COVID year was a huge privilege. With interim management, I have found the role in which I can use my experience most effectively and best develop it further. My first interim assignment, under CEO Mark Daley at Esprit, was a great stroke of luck in both respects.

I gained my formative professional experience at Procter & Gamble. Business acumen, quality and absolute integrity are principles to which I have been committed ever since. When I joined Wella AG's corporate controlling department, I was fortunate in becoming leader of a team whose vitality and energy was virtually unstoppable, even during the many night shifts while implementing HFM; rock on, UCP! My work as Regional CFO for Nielsen DACH & BENE and then as CFO for Cofresco was characterized by tough but essential - and successful - restructuring.

Setting up the Business Service organization for Melitta gave me a particularly steep learning curve; I wouldn't want to miss any part of this journey. Above all, it was a pleasure and an honor for me to lead a management team that lived and breathed the best qualities of Mittelstand corporate culture with determination, no fuss and a love of their work.

I earned my Dipl.-Kfm. and Dr. rer. pol. at the University of Paderborn with a period at St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota, and my M.A. at the University of Hagen.

My wife and I live in Frankfurt am Main. Literature keeps me mentally agile, fitness training and marathon keep me physically fit.

My motto remains: Let the deed show.

About me 

Assess tasks holistically, break them down and work through them in a goal-oriented manner. In doing so, I rely on my core expertise - financial management / restructuring / finance upgrade & transformation - and on my work with business processes & IT/Digital, in particular with ERP & management systems. My experience in HR, legal and purchasing covers important interfaces to these core areas.

I have acquired this experience in a variety of environments: Listed companies, family-run Mittelstand, start-ups and PE; consumer goods, technology and professional services; domestic and international.

I gained my formative professional experience at Procter & Gamble. Business acumen, quality and absolute integrity are principles to which I have been committed ever since. When I joined Wella AG's corporate controlling department, I took over the management of a team whose vitality and energy was unstoppable, even during the many night shifts while implementing HFM. Rock on, UCP!

My work as Regional CFO for Nielsen DACH & BENE and then as CFO for Cofresco was characterized by tough but essential - and successful - restructuring.

Setting up the Business Service organization for Melitta gave me a particularly steep learning curve; I wouldn't want to miss any part of this journey. Above all, it was a pleasure and an honor for me to lead a management team that lived and breathed the best qualities of Mittelstand corporate culture with determination, no fuss and a love of their work.

I earned my Dipl.-Kfm. and Dr. rer. pol. at the University of Paderborn with a period at St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota, and my M.A. at the University of Hagen.

My wife and I live in Frankfurt am Main. Literature keeps me mentally agile, fitness training and marathon keep me physically fit.

My motto remains: Let the deed show.