Associate at taskforce

11. April 2022

Dear business partners, colleagues, and friends,

this is to let you know that I have been selected as Associate at taskforce - Management on Demand GmbH, an RGP company and a leading interim executive firm in D-A-CH. taskforce comprises around 130 Partners and Associates from a broad range of industries and senior managerial backgrounds. Follow these links for more: and respectively. On LinkedIn, you can follow taskforce via the following link:

From our first contact, I have been impressed with taskforce’s systems and processes, but mostly with the people I have had the pleasure to meet: dedicated, determined and fun to work with. So, Kristin and Jens, thank you very much for accepting me into the fold. I’m excited to be part of the team.

My professional focus stays unchanged: Providing financial leadership as Interim CFO in special situations, such as restructuring & turnaround or finance transformation & digitalization. Access to the taskforce network will help me to better support clients with needs beyond this focus and will always keep me in touch with leading interim management thought and practice.

My connection with Prolimity Capital Partners continues, and so does my membership in DDIM, the German Interim Management Association.

Looking forward to working with you from a yet stronger base.

Best regards,


Frankfurt, April 11, 2022


Photo credit: Lola is Somebody on


Lucilius Interim Dr. Dietmar Scheja
Financial Leadership - Restructuring - Finance Upgrade & Transformation


»I would be happy to talk to you about any of the topics that are of concern to you. Feel free to contact me at any time - I look forward to hearing from you.«

ds [at]
Landline: +49 69 269 209 44 | Mobile: +49 177 33 983 22
Spessartstrasse 17, D-60385 Frankfurt am Main
Dietmar Scheja on LinkedIn